Making Music and Leading Others

in the

Art of Making Music

If a Global Pandemic taught us one thing it is that Human Beings are created for Community and that we long for Live Music Performance.

My goal is to increase the greater music community through performing and leading others to do the same.

Ed Parker Bio.

It is said that it only takes a spark to get a fire burning. That is the case with my music endeavors. Music has been a part of my life for over 50 years, starting with singing in elementary school chorus, church children’s choir and then middle school band. The spark lit so many years ago continues to burn in the heart of this musician.

Today finds me playing trumpet more often than singing. Most recently I enjoy playing trumpet weekly as part of the Hyland Heights Baptist Church Worship Ministry and performing in Pit Orchestra for both Alluvion Stage Company and Liberty University Theater Arts Department musicals. Fall 2021 brought a long awaited return to Big Band Jazz as I was fortunate to be part of the outstanding Liberty University Jazz Ensemble, under the leadership of Mr. Joseph Henson, retired member and leader of the Army Blues Jazz Ensemble, as part of my coursework in pursuit of a Master of Arts in Music Education-Performance Concentration. The future has yet to be written and performed.